EcoCore provides facilities, training, and expertise to conduct molecular analyses of environmental samples. We routinely extract, prepare, and analyze nucleic acids, proteins, and metabolites. Many downstream genomic, proteomic, and metabolomic analyses are performed in partnership with the Bioanalysis and Omics (ARC-BIO) facility at CSU. The facility provides analytical support to students and scientists from CSU and other universities, and research institutes around the world.
Analytical capabilities and equipment:
- Bio-Rad Real-Time PCR machine for gene quantification, and an additional PCR machine for routine preparation
- A Tecan multi-function plate reader for quantification of nucleic acids and proteins, enzyme assays, and any other assay requiring fluoresence or absorbance readings
- A high capacity bead beater for extractions of nucelic acids or proteins
- A variety of gel boxes for separation and analysis of nucleic acids or proteins
The facility management maintains the instruments, develops methods and provides training. We also provide graduate and undergraduate students and post-docs valuable hands-on experience with the instruments.